Listed are the trainings provided by DPM. Please click one of the following to learn more information.
NEMSO Training
Training Info
The New Employee Multi-Services Orientation provides updated and important information to new and current employees within the Navajo Nation. This 2-day Orientation will cover Navajo Nation Personnel Policies, Benefits, Insurance, Safety, and Services that are available to ALL Employees within the Navajo Nation.
NEMSO Flyer April May June 2024Training Dates
Scheduled Dates and times:
- September 10th & 11th, 2024, 8:00 am - 5:00 pm Click to register
- October 8th & 9th, 2024, 8:00 am - 5:00 pm Click to register
Training Material
SHA Training
Training Information
On Friday, April 14th, 2023 Navajo Nation President Dr. Buu Nygren and Chief Justice of the Navajo Nation Supreme Court JoAnn Jayne, sign an Executive Order (EO No. 03-2023 & AO No. 34-2023) mandating all Executive and Judicial Branch employees to review the Navajo Nation sexual harassment policy and attend mandated training every other year.
It is also stated that new employees of the Navajo Nation (Executive and Judicial Branch) must attend the Sexual Harassment Awareness Training within 6 months of the start date of hire.
Training Dates
Scheduled Dates and times:
- August 28, 2024, 1:30 pm - 4:30 pm Click to register
- September 25, 2024, 1:30 pm - 4:30 pm Click to register
- October 30, 2024, 1:30 pm - 4:30 pm Click to register
Leadership Training
Training Info
The Navajo Nation Department of Personnel Management (DPM), in collaboration with Pax Harvey Consulting, will be conducting Leadership Training for ALL Supervisory Positions within the Navajo Nation Government. This training will emphasize the importance of our mission, visions, and values in relation to a productive and safe work environment. We will provide training in the following areas:
- Communication
- Hostile Workplace
- Creating Healthy workspaces
- Ethical Decision Making
- Workplace mediation
- Coaching/Mentoring
- Teamwork
- Leading vs. Managing